The Baker and Her Creation

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Welcome to my blog!


 This is my first blog posting. I am so excited to get started in sharing with you my experiences and creations in the world of cake baking and decorating. I've been baking for years, and I have amassed a collection of photos of my cakes. I've been thinking about how I could share these with my friends, family, and the world--so I have created this blog. For the first few posts, I will be going back in time and sharing old projects with you to catch you up to date. After that, I will share my new adventures in the cake decorating world. Family and friends ask me why I don't open up a bakery. I would love to open a custom bakery; however, it takes funds to start up, the cakes take a ridiculously long time to make, and I would have to charge a fortune for them because of the time. So, I keep cake baking as my hobby! I dream that someday when I am retired I will open my cake shop as a hobby business. Someday...

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